Opening and Closing Sessions
Hans-Gert Pöttering, President of the European Parliament |
Ahmed Fathy Sorour, Speaker of the People's Assembly of Egypt |
Katalin Szili, Speaker of the Hungarian National Assembly |
Mechtild Rothe, Vice-President of the European Parliament |
Anders B. Johnsson, Secretary General of the Inter-Parliamentary Union |
Jeff Griffith, Senior Advisor, Global Centre for ICT in Parliament |
Sessions' speakers
Mohamed Nagib Abou-Zeid, Member of the Shoura Council of Egypt |
Pablo Álvarez, President of the Special Committee on Innovation, Research, Science and Technology, Chamber of Representatives of Uruguay |
Izaskun Bilbao Barandica, President of the Working Group on e-Democracy of the Conference of Presidents of the Regional Legislative Assemblies of Europe (CALRE) and President of the Basque Parliament |
Peter Brown, Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS) |
Gherardo Casini, Executive Coordinator of the Global Centre for ICT in Parliament |
Vladimir Danchev, Head of the Regional Secretariat for Parliamentary Cooperation in South East Europe |
Zingile A. Dingani, Secretary General, Parliament of South Africa |
Tom Van Engers, Professor of Legal Knowledge Management, University of Amsterdam |
Sergio Falcão, Advisor to the Chief Information Officer, Chamber of Deputies of Brazil |
Soledad Ferreiro, Director of the Library of the National Congress of Chile |
Hernán Figueroa, Director ICT, Chamber of Deputies of Chile |
Assem Genedy, Director, Information Centre, People’s Assembly of Egypt |
Jon Gómez Goikolea, Director of Cabinet of the Speaker of the Basque Parliament |
Miguel Ángel Gonzalo, Head, Coordination and Projects Planning Unit, Cabinet of the Secretary General, Congress of Deputies of Spain |
Kirsten Gullickson, Senior Systems Analyst, House of Representatives of the United States of America |
Eszter Kertészné-Gérecz, Head of the Department for Informatics, Hungarian National Assembly |
Ganyani Khosa, ICT Director, Parliament of Zimbabwe |
Justin Koumba, Speaker of the National Assembly of Congo |
Erick Landaverde, IT Officer, National Assembly of El Salvador |
Juha-Pekka Leskinen, IT Manager, Parliament of Finland |
Ninoska López, IT Analyst, National Assembly of Nicaragua |
Ann Macintosh, Professor of Digital Governance, Institute of Communications Studies The University of Leeds |
Carlo Marchetti, Counsellor, IT Department, Senate of the Republic of Italy |
Fernando Milán Zuber, ICT Director, Chamber of Deputies of Mexico |
Joan Miller, Director of Parliamentary ICT, Parliament of the United Kingdom |
Gertrude Mongella, President, Pan African Parliament |
Karina Newton, Director of New Media, Office of the Speaker, House of Representatives of the United States of America |
Piotr Nowina-Konopka, Director for Relations with National Parliaments, European Parliament and co-Director, European Centre for Parliamentary Research and Development (ECPRD) |
Eliza Roszkowska Öberg, Member of the Parliament of Sweden |
Alessandro Palanza, Deputy Secretary General, Chamber of Deputies of Italy |
Mahesh Perera, Director, Information Systems and Management, Parliament of Sri Lanka |
Rudy Salles, Vice President, National Assembly of France |
Gro Sandgrind, Chair of the IFLA Section on Library and Research Services for Parliaments |
Giovanni Sartor, Professor of Legal Informatics and Legal Theory, European University Institute |
Enrico Seta, Head of International Affairs Office, Research Department, Chamber of Deputies of Italy |
Raissa Teodori, Senior Parliamentary Officer, Library, Senate of the Republic of Italy and Member of the Standing Committee of the IFLA Library and Research Services for Parliaments Section |
Dirk Toornstra, Special Advisor for the promotion of democracy, European Parliament (EP) |
Rogério Ventura Teixeira, Head of the Center for Qualification and Training, Chamber of Deputies of Brazil |
Joao Viegas d’Abreu, Coodinator of the ECPRD Working Group on ICT |
Richard Ware, Director Programme and Project Development, Parliament of the United Kingdom |
Flavio Zeni, Chief Technical Adviser, Africa i-Parliament Action Plan, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs |