Digital ArchivingUkrainian translation of the World e-Parliament Report 2012 now availableThe Parliamentary Development Project for Ukraine has worked with the Division
of Computerized Systems of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine and the Institute of Telecommunications and Global Information Space of the National
Academy of Sciences of Ukraine to provide the
Ukrainian translation of the original English language World
e-Parliament Report 2012. Conferencia Mundial de 2012 sobre el Parlamento electrónico
Thu, 13/09/2012 - Sat, 15/09/2012 La Conferencia Mundial de 2012 sobre el Parlamento electrónico está organizada conjuntamente por las Naciones Unidas y la Unión Interparlamentaria, a través del Centro Mundial para las TIC en el Parlamento, y hospedada por la Cámara de Diputados de Italia en Roma. Conférence mondiale 2012 sur l’e-Parlement
Thu, 13/09/2012 - Sat, 15/09/2012 La Conférence
mondiale 2012 sur l’e-Parlement a eu lieu à la Chambre des députés d'Italie, à Rome, les 13, 14 et 15 Septembre. La clôture de la Conférence a coincidé avec la Journée internationale de la démocratie, établie en 2008 par l'Assemblée générale des Nations Unies. World e-Parliament Conference 2012
Thu, 13/09/2012 - Sat, 15/09/2012 The World e-Parliament Conference 2012 was held at the Chamber of Deputies of Italy, in Rome, on 13, 14 and 15 September. 28th IFLA Pre Conference of Library and Research Services for Parliaments
Wed, 08/08/2012 - Fri, 10/08/2012 The Library of the Finnish Parliament hosted the 28th IFLA Pre Conference of Library and Research Services for Parliaments, held in Helsinki from Wednesday 8 August to Friday 10 August 2012 on the theme Parliamentary libraries – empowering parliaments and citizens. Global Parliamentary Report, the changing nature of parliamentary representation
Publication date:
April 2012 The Inter-Parliamentary Union and the United Nations Development Programme released the Global Parliamentary Report on the evolving relationship between citizens and parliaments. The Report analyzes parliamentary strategies to engage with citizens and argues that parliaments need to be in a constant process of evolution. Global Survey of ICT in Parliaments
In 2008 and 2010, the United Nations and the Inter-Parliamentary Union, through the Global Centre for ICT in Parliament, jointly published the first and second edition of the World e-Parliament Report. World e-Parliament Reports
The Reports, prepared by the Global Centre for ICT in Parliament, intend to help legislatures to harness the potential benefits of ICT for their work and establish key goals and priorities for exploiting this valuable resource. While providing evidence of the complexities of e-parliament, the Reports suggest ways to overcome some of the obstacles to the effective use of technology in parliamentary settings. Le défi de l'archivage des données parlementaires en multiples formats
Time slot:
16:30 - 18:00 La préservation sous formats multiples des archives parlementaires pose des problèmes spécifiques dus au besoin de politiques plus efficaces, d’une consolidation des pratiques de gestion et d’une capacité d’adaptation aux technologies en évolution constante. Différentes organisations au sein d’un parlement peuvent avoir des responsabilités qui se chevauchent dans la gestion, la distribution et la préservation de ses archives, et il peut être parfois difficile de concilier des mandats concurrents. Capture et transcription des travaux parlementaires
Time slot:
14:30 - 16:00 Les documents parlementaires tels que les rapports des comités et les textes des débats et auditions sont des données fondamentales de la législature. Ces documents doivent être préparés rapidement, efficacement et précisément. Ils doivent être distribués facilement et ensuite amendés, et redistribués tout aussi facilement. Et ils doivent être archivés effectivement pour en assurer la disponibilité et la préservation à long terme. Allocutions d'ouverture
Time slot:
10:00 - 11:00
The challenge of archiving parliamentary records in multiple formats
Time slot:
16:30 - 18:00 The preservation of the parliamentary records in multiple formats poses important concerns, especially because of the need for effective policies, sound management practices, and the capacity to accommodate constantly evolving technologies. Different organizations within a parliament may have overlapping responsibilities for managing, distributing, and preserving its records, and it can sometimes be difficult to reconcile competing mandates. Potential conflicts may need to be resolved by the Secretary General or occasionally by higher authorities. ![]() |