Our Activities and EventsActivities and events organized by the Global Centre and its partners World e-Parliament Conference 2007 and related meetings
Tue, 09/10/2007 - Fri, 12/10/2007 The World e-Parliament Conference 2007 and related meetings took place in Geneva from 9 to 12 October 2007. International Conference on The policymaking role of Parliaments in the development of the Information Society
Sat, 03/03/2007 - Sun, 04/03/2007
Training for Parliamentary libraries and research services of the Asia Pacific region
Wed, 14/08/2013 On 14 August 2013, in Singapore, 25 participants from 10 countries of the Asia Pacific Region participated on a one-day training for parliamentary libraries and research services on Strategic Management of ICT in Parliamentary Libraries, organized by the IFLA Sections on Library and Research Services for Parliaments and on Information Technology, the Library of the Parliament of Singapore, and the Parliament of Australia, with the cooperation of the Global Centre for ICT in Parliament. Around 10 librarians and research staff from countries outside the region attended the training as observers. Conferencia Mundial de 2012 sobre el Parlamento electrónico
Thu, 13/09/2012 - Sat, 15/09/2012 La Conferencia Mundial de 2012 sobre el Parlamento electrónico está organizada conjuntamente por las Naciones Unidas y la Unión Interparlamentaria, a través del Centro Mundial para las TIC en el Parlamento, y hospedada por la Cámara de Diputados de Italia en Roma. Conférence mondiale 2012 sur l’e-Parlement
Thu, 13/09/2012 - Sat, 15/09/2012 La Conférence
mondiale 2012 sur l’e-Parlement a eu lieu à la Chambre des députés d'Italie, à Rome, les 13, 14 et 15 Septembre. La clôture de la Conférence a coincidé avec la Journée internationale de la démocratie, établie en 2008 par l'Assemblée générale des Nations Unies. World e-Parliament Conference 2012
Thu, 13/09/2012 - Sat, 15/09/2012 The World e-Parliament Conference 2012 was held at the Chamber of Deputies of Italy, in Rome, on 13, 14 and 15 September. Training: Strategic Management of ICT in Parliamentary Libraries
Wed, 08/08/2012 On 8 August, the United Nations, through the Global Centre for ICT
in Parliament, the Library of the Parliament of Finland and the IFLA Section on Library
and Research Services for Parliaments, held a one-day Training
titled "Strategic Management of ICT in Parliamentary
Libraries”. First Technical Assistance Mission to the Senate of HaitiBetween 21 and 25 May a technical assistance mission team visited the Senate of Haiti in Port-Au-Prince. The team consisting of a UN representative, and two experts kindly provided by the House of Commons of Canada, and the Swiss Federal Parliament, conducted an assessment of the state of ICT, and made a mapping of future ICT needs. This first mission will be followed by a second mission in June that will focus on the development of an ICT strategic plan for the Senate of Haiti. Second assessment mission to the National Assembly and Senate of the Democratic Republic of the CongoFollowing the Global Centre for ICT in Parliament's first technical assistance missions to the National Assembly of the Democratic Republic of the Congo in March 2012 and the Senate of the Democratic Republic of the Congo in April 2012, respectively, where the ICT capabilities of both chambers were assessed, a second technical assistance mission took place from 21 to 25 May 2012. The follow-up joint-mission, which fell within the framework of the European Commission funded project “Support to ICT Strategic Planning in the SADC Parliaments,” finalised the assessment reports from both first missions while also submitting individual draft ICT strategic plans to the National Assembly and Senate for their respective consideration. Technical Assistance Mission to the National Assembly of St. Kitts and NevisBetween 30 April and 10 May a technical assistance mission team from the Global Centre for ICT in Parliament, with expertise kindly provided by the Senate of the Netherlands, carried out an evaluation of the state of ICT at the National Assembly of St. Kitts and Nevis, and assisted the parliamentary officials with the formulation of an ICT Strategic Plan for the National Assembly, including a vision statement for the use of ICT, strategic goals, objectives and an implementation road map. Regional Workshop “Connected Parliaments - Introduction to Legislative XML"
Mon, 04/06/2012 - Wed, 06/06/2012 The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), in collaboration with the Chamber of Deputies of Brazil and the Global Centre for ICT in Parliament, organized the Regional Workshop “Connected Parliaments - Introduction to Legislative XML". The Workshop was held at the Chamber of Deputies in Brasilia, Brazil, from 4 to 6 June 2012. Second technical mission to the Parliament of Antigua and BarbudaA second technical assistance mission in the framework of the Project "Support to ICT Strategic Planning in the Caribbean Parliaments" carried out important ICT visioning and strategic planning exercises at the Parliament of Antigua and Barbuda, between 30 April and 4 May. The team consisted of the the National Project Officer from CARICAD and a senior e-Parliament expert from the Global Centre for ICT in Parliament. Second technical mission to the Parliament of GrenadaBetween 23 and 27 April a second technical mission to the Parliament of Grenada took place. The mission was led by the National Project Officer of CARICAD supported by a Senior Parliamentary Expert from the Global Centre for ICT in Parliament, as well by a Senior IT Manager of the House of Representatives of Australia. Second assessment mission to the Assembly of the Republic of MozambiqueFollowing the Global Centre for ICT in Parliament's first technical assistance mission to the Assembly of the Republic of Mozambique in September 2011, where an assessment of the Assembly's ICT capabilities was taken, a second technical assistance mission took place from 23 to 27 April 2012. Frst Technical assistance mission to the National Assembly of the Democratic Republic of the CongoWithin the framework of the European Commission funded project “Support to ICT Strategic Planning in the SADC Parliaments” the Global Centre will undertook a first technical assistance mission to the National Assembly of the Democratic Republic of the Congo from 23 to 27 April 2012. The mission focused on perception and understanding of the vision, mission and core values of the National Assembly and made an assessment of the ICT systems in order to deliver a report with strateg ![]() |